As the first frequent flyer resource on the Internet, WebFlyer is no overnight success. We've been publishing frequent flyer information online since 1987 and the popularity of the World Wide Web has made it easier for hundreds of thousands of people to access the thousands of pages that WebFlyer has to offer. Since the targeted audience of frequent flyers is highly desirable, we have many sponsorship opportunities for you to consider. Why advertise on the WebFlyer Network? Since its launch in September, 1995, the WebFlyer Network has established itself as the premier source of expert information on frequent traveler programs. Over the years, the WebFlyer Network has grown to include and, in addition to -- each of which are well respected among business travelers and together generate a tremendous amount of traffic. Travelers trust these sites to provide them with the information they need to make sound purchasing decisions. WebFlyer Network visitors are frequent travelers who are continually in search of top-of-the-line products and services. Demographics Gender: 70% male; 30% female; 56% married WebFlyer is the brainchild of Randy Petersen, the world's authority on miles and points. Petersen, whom the Wall Street Journal has dubbed "the guru of the frequent flyer industry," has been in the miles business since 1986, and in the online business nearly as long. The best testaments to the service WebFlyer provides can be found in Petersen's email box. One user wrote recently, after discovering the site for the first time, and had this to say: "I have spent the last two days reading EVERYTHING on InsideFlyer Online and What an amazing amount of information. I'm sure I'll need to read and re-read much of it again, but I love the dedication you've given to this. I want to say a big THANK YOU! I cannot wait for my subscription to your magazine to start, and look forward to seeing you in the air some time." WebFlyer is clearly impacting the lives of frequent travelers in meaningful ways. The WebFlyer Network is a great place to reach frequent travelers, as these travelers trust WebFlyer and FlyerTalk to provide them the right information to make solid purchasing decisions. Converting a WebFlyer user into a new customer equates to the best kind of new user, a frequent and consistent traveler who comes back for more! The focused nature of the content it provides makes it a superb choice for advertisers trying to reach a well-traveled and Web-savvy audience. WebFlyer Traffic 1,500,000 page views/month is the world's best print publication dedicated to frequent flyer programs, and is also available online -- with a little extra information thrown in. InsideFlyer is the magazine frequent travelers turn to for time sensitive airline, hotel, car rental and affinity card program information. Each month, InsideFlyer provides a closer look at the latest news from the frequent traveler programs that you belong to; including a complete run-down of airline, hotel, car rental and credit card bonuses; individual program reviews; editorial and pro-active leadership on travel program issues, the Best Bets of special bonuses and awards and special features such as Mileage Makeover and WiseFlyer. InsideFlyer helps readers optimize miles both on the redemption and earning side of the programs. Though is a subscription-based site, several articles are made available free of charge. The site also includes special online-only features that do not appear in the print edition. consistently attracts new readers by educating and encouraging them to join and use frequent travel programs. InsideFlyer Traffic 50,000 page views/month
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MilesLink The most informative online frequent traveler update. The MilesLink e-newsletter is distributed bi-weekly to approximately 120,000 opt-in frequent travelers and provides the latest information on events taking place in the frequent travel industry. MilesLink Sponsorship: There are four Sponsorship positions available in each issue of MilesLink. Advertisers can display their creative in either the A (top), B (middle), C (bottom) or D (top right column) position. Within these ad spaces, sponsors can include a banner (see sizes below) with a link to a Web page. Sponsors can also feature up to 10 lines of text (approximately 70 characters per line) and a link that will display on the plaintext version of the newsletter for subscribers who can't receive HTML email. This allows advertisers to convey a promotional or informational message in addition to sponsorship recognition. The Sponsorship positions are: · Position "A"
· Position "B"
· Position "C"
· Position "D"
Ad Specifications:
· Text: up to 10 lines of text (approximately 70 characters per line) and a link. For more information about MilesLink, or to reserve advertising space, contact the advertising coordinator at 719.572.2717; fax: 719.597.6855; email: