Press Room :: Top 25 City Pairs for Award Redemption

Some routes always seem to be the most popular when it comes to award redemption. We've listed the top 25 city pairs for award redemption based on total number of award tickets used. It is important to note that a city pair can attain a high ranking, despite maintaining a low percentage of award seats, if a relatively high number of total seats are offered on the route.

Rank City Pair Award seats as % of Total seats
1 Los Angeles - New York City 11.5%
2 New York City - San Francisco 16.5%
3 New York City - Orlando 10.5%
4 Los Angeles - New York City 16.9%
5 Honolulu - Los Angeles 11.9%
6 Boston - San Francisco 17.5%
7 Chicago - New York City 4.4%
8 Boston - Los Angeles 16.6%
9 Miami - New York City 4.6%
10 Chicago - Los Angeles 8.5%
11 Los Angeles - Washington D.C. 13.6%
12 San Francisco - Washington D.C. 15.4%
13 Atlanta - New York City 5.4%
14 Chicago - San Francisco 11.2%
15 Houston - New York City 12.6%
16 Boston - Orlando 11.2%
17 Fort Lauderdale - New York City 4.9%
18 New York City - West Palm Beach 6.0%
19 New York City - Phoenix 12.3%
20 Denver - New York City 10.9%
21 New York City - Seattle 17.2%
22 Honolulu - San Francisco 8.4%
23 Dallas/Ft. Worth - New York City 6.6%
24 Los Angeles - San Francisc 4.7%
25 New York City - San Diego 16.4%


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