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Travel Route:
Jyvaskyla Arpt, Jyvaskyla, FI (JYV) to
Yuba County Arpt, Marysville, CA (MYV)
One Way Distances:
Distance 5190 miles 8350 km
Elite bonus 0 miles 0 km
Class of service bonus 0 miles 0 km
Special promotion bonus 0 miles 0 km
TOTAL 5190 miles 8350 km
Round Trip Distances:
Distance 10380 miles 16700 km
Elite bonus 0 miles 0 km
Class of service bonus 0 miles 0 km
Special promotion bonus 0 miles 0 km
TOTAL 10380 miles 16700 km

(in statute measurements)

Note: These figures are approximate and are based on data provided by various outside sources. This service is meant to aid in mileage estimation and may not reflect the actual miles awarded by each airline.

Check more routes with MileMarker

#!/bin/perl use CGI; $q = new CGI; $DEBUG=0; #undef ( %sections, $template ); print $q->header if $DEBUG; @cities = $q->param('city'); $bonus = $q->param('bonus'); $class_bonus = $q->param('class_bonus'); $promo_bonus = $q->param('promo_bonus'); $ticket_price = $q->param('ticket_price'); $ticket_price =~ s/[^0-9\.]//m; # Translate illegal to nothing. $bonus_use_min = $q->param('bonus_use_min'); $class_bonus_use_min = $q->param('class_bonus_use_min'); $promo_bonus_use_min = $q->param('promo_bonus_use_min'); $min = $q->param('min'); $min_type = $q->param('min_type'); if( $min_type eq 'k' ) { $min_km = $min; $min_miles = km2miles( $min_km ); } else { $min_miles = $min; $min_km = miles2km( $min_miles ); } if( $ticket_price ) { parseTemplate("template_cost.htm"); } else { parseTemplate("template.htm"); } #added by Tim on 2/2/00 to make the airport codes uppercase foreach $x ( 0 .. $#cities ) { $len = length $cities[$x]; if( $len eq 3 ) { $cities[$x] = uc $cities[$x]; } } #end added by Tim 2/2/00 foreach $x ( 0 .. $#cities ) { CleanCity( \$cities[$x] ); } foreach $x ( 0 .. $#cities ) { $fullCity[$x] = findCity( $cities[$x], $x ); } #undef ( $totalMl, $totalKm ); foreach $x ( 0 .. $#fullCity ) { last unless ( $fullCity[$x] && $fullCity[$x + 1] ); ($code1, $airportName1, $city1, $state1, $country1, $Lat1, $Long1) = split(/\t/, $fullCity[$x]); ($code2, $airportName2, $city2, $state2, $country2, $Lat2, $Long2) = split(/\t/, $fullCity[$x + 1]); my ( @to ) = calDistance ( $Lat1, $Long1, $Lat2, $Long2 ); $rawTotalMl += $to[1]; $rawTotalKm += $to[0]; # Do a check for min distance # and correct if necessary. if( $to[1] < $min_miles ) { $to[0] = $min_km; $to[1] = $min_miles; } $totalMl += $to[1]; $totalKm += $to[0]; do { print "( $Lat1, $Long1, $Lat2, $Long2 ) "; print "From " . $fullCity[$x] . " to " . $fullCity[$x + 1] . "
\n"; print " -- $to[1]

" } if $DEBUG; } # Different bonus miles if( $bonus_use_min ) { $totalBonusMl = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $totalMl * $bonus ) ); $totalBonusKm = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $totalKm * $bonus ) ); } else { $totalBonusMl = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $rawTotalMl * $bonus ) ); $totalBonusKm = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $rawTotalKm * $bonus ) ); } if( $class_bonus_use_min ) { $totalClassBonusMl = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $totalMl * $class_bonus ) ); $totalClassBonusKm = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $totalKm * $class_bonus ) ); } else { $totalClassBonusMl = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $rawTotalMl * $class_bonus ) ); $totalClassBonusKm = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $rawTotalKm * $class_bonus ) ); } if( $promo_bonus_use_min ) { $totalPromoBonusMl = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $totalMl * $promo_bonus ) ); $totalPromoBonusKm = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $totalKm * $promo_bonus ) ); } else { $totalPromoBonusMl = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $rawTotalMl * $promo_bonus ) ); $totalPromoBonusKm = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $rawTotalKm * $promo_bonus ) ); } $roundTripBonusMl = $totalBonusMl * 2; $roundTripBonusKm = $totalBonusKm * 2; $roundTripClassBonusMl = $totalClassBonusMl * 2; $roundTripClassBonusKm = $totalClassBonusKm * 2; $roundTripPromoBonusMl = $totalPromoBonusMl * 2; $roundTripPromoBonusKm = $totalPromoBonusKm * 2; # Round Trip distance $roundTripMl = $totalMl * 2; $roundTripKm = $totalKm * 2; # The grand totals. $totalGtMl = $totalMl + $totalBonusMl + $totalClassBonusMl + $totalPromoBonusMl; $totalGtKm = $totalKm + $totalBonusKm + $totalClassBonusKm + $totalPromoBonusKm; $roundTripGtMl = $roundTripMl + $roundTripBonusMl + $roundTripClassBonusMl + $roundTripPromoBonusMl; $roundTripGtKm = $roundTripKm + $roundTripBonusKm + $roundTripClassBonusKm + $roundTripPromoBonusKm; # Get the cost per mile/km. $roundTripCostPerMl = sprintf( "%.2f", $ticket_price / $roundTripGtMl ); $roundTripCostPerKm = sprintf( "%.2f", $ticket_price / $roundTripGtKm ); $totalCostPerMl = sprintf( "%.2f", $ticket_price / $totalGtMl ); $totalCostPerKm = sprintf( "%.2f", $ticket_price / $totalGtKm ); print "

Total Trip: " . $totalMl . " ML" if $DEBUG; do { undef ( $line ); $sections{'results'} =~ s|([\s\S]*?)||; $rotation = $1; foreach $x ( 0 .. $#fullCity ) { my ( $temp ) = $rotation; last unless ( $fullCity[$x] ); ($code, $airportName, $city, $state, $country, $Lat, $Long) = split(/\t/, $fullCity[$x]); $city_code[$x] = $code; # This is a bit of a hack to add the 'to' to the end of a link if needed. if( $fullCity[$x + 1] ) { $to_text = ' to'; } else { $to_text = ''; } $airportName = $city . " Airport" unless $airportName; $loc = ( $state ) ? $state : $country; $temp =~ s//${$1}/g; $line .= $temp; } $city_code_one = $city_code[0]; $city_code_two = $city_code[1]; $sections{'results'} =~ s//$line/; $sections{'results'} =~ s//${$1}/g; printOutput ( "results" ); } unless $DEBUG; sub CleanCity { my ($cityref) = shift; open (STATE, "abriviations.df"); while () { m!^([A-Z]{2})\t([A-Z]*)\t([0-9]*)\t(.+)!; $cit = $4; $cit =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $twoChar{$cit} = $1; # $twoChar{$2} = $1 if $2; $twoChar{$3} = $1 if $3; } close (STATE); $$cityref =~ tr/A-z/ /c; # Translate illegal to space $$cityref =~ tr/ //s; # Squash mult spaces $$cityref =~ s/(^ )|( $)//; # Remove leading and trailing space my ( @parts ) = split ( / /, $$cityref ); foreach $x ( 1 .. $#parts ) # Don't process the first word, start on second. { $ct = $parts[$x]; $ct =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $$cityref =~ s/$parts[$x]/$twoChar{$ct}/i if $twoChar{$ct}; } } sub findCity { my ($city, $index) = @_; $found = 0; return unless $city; print $city, " --
" if $DEBUG; @parts = split( / /, $city ); open DAT, "cities.df" or print "Unable to open data file: $!\n"; @cityList = ; close DAT; if ($city =~ /^[A-Z]{3}$/) { ( $airport ) = grep( /^$city/, @cityList ); chomp ( $airport ); noMatch( $city, $index ) unless ($airport); return $airport; } foreach $part (@parts) { @cityList = grep(/$part/i, @cityList); } toMany( $city, $index, @cityList ) if ($cityList[1]); noMatch( $city, $index ) unless (@cityList); chomp ($cityList[0]); return $cityList[0]; } sub toMany { local ($city, $index, @list) = @_; ($city, @rest) = split(/\t/, $city); undef ( $formentries ); foreach $x ( 0 .. $#cities ) { if ( $x eq $index ) { $formentries .= " \n"; } else { $formentries .= " "; } } $formentries .= " "; $sections{'tomany'} =~ s//${$1}/g; printOutput ( "tomany" ); } sub noMatch { local ( $city, $index ) = @_; undef ( $formentries ); foreach $x ( 0 .. $#cities ) { if ( $x eq $index ) { $formentries .= "
\n"; } else { $formentries .= "
\n"; } } $formentries .= " "; $sections{'nomatch'} =~ s//${$1}/g; printOutput ( "nomatch" ); } sub blankField { my ($item, $place, $missing) = @_; my $x = ($item eq 1) ? 2 : 1; ($code, @rest) = split(/\t/, $place); $code =~ s/ /+/g; exit(0); } sub calDistance { local ( $lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2 ) = @_; do { print "CD COORD $lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2
\n"; } if $DEBUG; my $meters_per_mile = 1609.344; my $dist = &great_circle_distance ( degrees_to_radians( $lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2 ) ); # my $km = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $dist / 1000 ) ); # ALTERED BY TIM 072604 (WE WERE COMPUTING FOR NAUTICAL MILES, BUT THEN CONVERTING TO KM USING STANDARD RATIO, NOT NAUTICAL) #my $km = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( ($dist / 1000) * 1.15 ) ); my $ml = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $dist / $meters_per_mile ) ); my $km = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $ml * 1.60935 ) ); #my $km2 = ($dist / 1000) * 1.15; #my $ml2 = $dist / $meters_per_mile; #print( "Conetent-type: text/html\n\n" ); #print( "mile:$ml2 km:$km2 \n" ); do { print "COOR $lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2"; print "From calDistance()
"; print "Dist: $dist
\n"; print "KM: $km
\n"; print "ML $ml
\n"; } if $DEBUG; return ( $km, $ml ); } sub great_circle_distance { my ( $lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2 ) = @_; # approx radius of Earth in meters. True radius varies from # 6357km (polar) to 6378km (equatorial). my $earth_radius = 6367135; my $dlon = $long2 - $long1; my $dlat = $lat2 - $lat1; my $a = ( sin($dlat / 2) ) ** 2 + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * ( sin($dlon / 2) ) ** 2; my $d = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1 - $a)); return $earth_radius * $d; } sub round_to_3 { my ( $num ) = @_; my ( $lg, $round ); if ( $num == 0 ) { return 0; } $lg = int( log( abs($num ) ) / log( 10.0 ) ); # log base 10 of num $round = 10 ** ($lg - 2); return int( $num / $round + 0.5 ) * $round; } BEGIN { $::pi = 4 * atan2(1,1); } sub degrees_to_radians { my ( @dec ) = @_; undef ( $x ); foreach $x ( 0 .. $#dec ) { print "Dec $x: $dec[$x]
" if $DEBUG; $dec[$x] = $dec[$x] * $::pi / 180.0; print "Dec $x: $dec[$x]
" if $DEBUG; } return @dec; } sub parseTemplate { my ( $file ) = @_; open (TMP, $file) || print "Unable to open teplate file $file - $!"; while () { if ( // ) { $sec = $1; while ( $sections{$sec} !~ // ) { ( $sections{$sec} ) .= ; } $template .= ""; } else { $template .= $_; } } close (TMP); } sub printOutput { my ( $sec ) = @_; $template =~ s//$sections{$sec}/; print $q->header; print $template; exit (0); } sub km2miles { local ( $km ) = @_; my $meters_per_mile = 1609.344; my $dist = $km * 1000; my $miles = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $dist / $meters_per_mile ) ); return ( $miles ); } sub miles2km { local ( $miles ) = @_; my $meters_per_mile = 1609.344; my $dist = $miles * $meters_per_mile; my $km = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $dist / 1000 ) ); return ( $km ); }


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